The Dawn of a New Chapter

A decade.

It’s been 10 whole years since I started working as a psychotherapist, and soon after, as an eating disorders specialist.

To say that this work has shaped who I am today would be a huge understatement. And, just like everything else in life moving in cycles, it is now time for this chapter to come to an end and a new one to gently open.

So, here is an announcement that feels incredibly weird and tender to make:

My 1:1 therapy practice is closing its doors for the foreseeable future.

This is a decision that comes after long inner processing, and carries the weight of a real end of an era.

And, it is time.

For those of us whose work is intimately interwoven with our life’s journey, it is inevitable that, as we change and evolve, our work will need to follow along.

A decade ago, I was just a few years post my eating disorder recovery. That journey was so fresh in my system, burning to be shared, to be translated into something useful for others. I had gone through a big initiation, out in the wilderness of my own psyche, and I had just returned back to the village, to share what I had discovered with the community.

Since then, there have been many other initiations, very different to that initial one. And those have changed me and they’re changing my work -both the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of it.

Currently, the only way to work with me 1:1 is through a SoulBody Alchemy Deep-Dive Session. These 90-min experiences have been updated to reflect the shift I’m talking about -you can find out more in the link in my bio.

My other primary focus for this period will be the creation of a series of short courses, in which I will be sharing the frameworks, tools, practices that have been the backbone of my work all these years. Making this material available to many more people than I could ever support 1:1 is a big part of this transition for me.

The first one of these courses is ready to be released and will become available TOMORROW, Saturday 11th June, so keep an eye out for that!

There is so much more that I want to say about all this, but this is a good start.

Here’s to our life’s cycles, ever unfolding, taking us where we need to go next…


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The Energy Centres and our Relationship with the Body